Content users
Content from this site has been:
- Used internally by HM Customs and Revenue
- Used in client communications by stock-brokers
- Incorporated into a textbook: Investment Management: A Modern Guide to Security Analysis and Stock Selection, a multi-author textbook written by academics and investment professionals, and published by a major academic publisher, Springer.
Comments and reviews
That's information you can use, and I find myself reaching for the dictionary (and the many financial books on my shelves) far less often now I've found Moneyterms.
The conclusion of a very nice review by Richard Beddard, Editor of Interactive Investor.
But just wanted to say your money terms site has some very good, clear content. Appreciated!
A comment left on my blog, by Paul Murphy, a financial journalist who works for the Financial Times.
Brilliant site. I didn't know that this was what I had been looking for!
From an email from Tim Phillips, a chartered accountant.
Server logs show that the site is also regularly used by people at all the big investment banks, many professional investors from smaller firms and professionals in other finance and investment related businesses such as accountancy and law firms.
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